Wednesday 24 June 2015


Regarded by many as the definitive BOND movie,
GOLDFINGER actually makes more sense than the
novel it's based on.  In IAN FLEMING's book, Auric
Goldfinger's plan is to rob FORT KNOX, which, given
the sheer amount of gold stored there, would probably take
years.  The film dispenses with this idea, replacing it with a
plot to make the gold reserves radioactive, and therefore
valueless for decades, an eminently more sensible scheme.
This is the movie that set the pattern for subsequent
Bonds, and is a true classic of cinema.


  1. It's true then, that is Gert Frobe delivering the 'Choose your next...' line in the trailer. The Collins dub is pretty good in Goldfinger, Ritter's dub for Celi in Thunderball really grates, they messed up the levels in the studio somehow. On the whole it's not a bad trailer, makes me want to watch it again.

  2. I wonder if he was dubbed in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? I was surprised to learn the Shirley Eaton's voice was dubbed in Goldfinger, because she sounded the same in her three Saint episodes.

  3. It's a thing with the sixties Bond flicks, even Sylvia Trench is supposed to be dubbed, sometimes the dubbing's not that great. I've no idea about Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I'm guessing it's his voice but who knows?

  4. I'll have to Google it and find out.


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