Friday 12 June 2015


Just noticed the above book on sale on eBay.  Rather than me repeating the details here, jump over to this link and read them at the source.  Doesn't it look fantastic?  And there are even more pics at the link.  Don't miss out or you'll be kicking yourself later.  This is the great KEN REID's FACEACHE we're talking about here.


Update December 2017:  This book will be long-gone, but since the post was published, a new FACEACHE book by REBELLION has been released, so support the copyright owners by buying the official volume.  It doesn't contain as many strips as the book you see here, but it's much less expensive.  Check out your local bookstore or comics shop.


  1. Philip Crawley12 June 2015 at 01:26

    Looks great! But that price tag!! Going by the cover design it would seem to be from the same batch of (very) limited edition collections that spawned the Franke volume you posted about a while back. The thing looks very thick - and it's only volume one. If I had that kind of money to spend... (The wife would kill me!!)
    Great to learn of its existence though.

  2. Ah, but Phil - look at the quality. And if it's anything like the Frankie volume, I'd imagine that there were no more than ten of them produced. Time to dip into that money you were saving for a rainy day.

  3. Looks great.
    I forgot he drew those creatures as well.
    Not on my pocket money,I only have enough for two comics and a packet of polo mints!

  4. It's a stoater, ain't it? I'll have to start hawking my mutton to get the dosh for it.

  5. Faceache! I haven't read him since I was about 12. In retrospect Ken Reid was a good at weird as Basil Wolverton.

  6. You're not the first person to make that comparison, Phil. Sometimes their styles were quite similar.


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