Monday 15 June 2015


Here's a cute little panda cub being reunited with its mother.
Who said pandas are boring?  (Well, some of them might be.)


  1. Two of 'em, and you've got the perfect pair of slippers.

  2. I'd prefer the Yogi Bear slippers I had as a kid, DSE. No actual Yogis were harmed in their manufacture.

  3. There was a fascinating documentary on Radio 4 a couple of years ago about how the Chinese government gives pandas as gifts to countries it thinks could be useful - apparently Edinburgh Zoo got one because China is eyeing up Scotland's natural resources or something. Talking of Radio 4 documentaries, Kid - did you hear that one last week about Hammer vs. Amicus ? It was on last Monday (June 8th) at 4pm if you want to listen on iplayer, I assume it's still available.

  4. That sounds interesting, CJ, so thanks for the tip. I'll probably give that a listen to later. I'm surprised I missed it as I usually listen to Radio 4 throughout the day. (Or at least it's on while I doze.)

  5. Yep, it's still available to listen - I just checked. It's called 'Houses Of Horror' - I've been meaning to mention it all week but I kept forgetting. I'm a Radio 4 devotee too but I didn't start listening to the station till I was about 30 (about 1996-ish) and now I couldn't live without it !

  6. Yup, it sure is a great station. I prefer listening to conversation and plays over an endless stream of pop music. I'll let you know what I think of the programme once I've listened to it.

  7. That doesn't doesn't surprise me Colin. Too bad they didn't send my town one a while ago when a former mayor was all trade-happy in getting Chinese investors into town. My town did however offered a panda exhibit roughly 27 years ago. I think I was only there once.

  8. Ta for the links, Chris. I'm sure CJ will take a look at them.

  9. Lovely, I regard the mother Panda started by her baby sneezing YouTube clip to be a masterpiece! :)

  10. They're cute little critters sure enough, AJ.


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