Thursday 18 June 2015


Back around the time that the CGI YOGI BEAR movie was doing the rounds in cinemas (I don't care what anyone else says - I loved it), there was an independently produced parody of a scene from BRAD PITT's movie, The ASSASSINATION Of JESSE JAMES By The COWARD ROBERT FORD.  It was so good that I believe no action was taken against the makers, who put a disclaimer at the beginning of their mini-masterpiece, disassociating it from the official Yogi Bear production.  Watch it and weep.


  1. I guess the little guy just had enough! All great double acts come to an end sometime. $5000 should keep him well supplied with pic-a- nic baskets!


  2. Yogi can't get killed - he's smarter than the average bear. I've never seen the Yogi film but I don't like cartoon characters being turned into CGI so they be in live-action movies, Scooby Doo was another travesty. In fact, I don't like animated characters of any kind becoming "real" and that includes super-heroes which is why I'm not much of a fan of super-hero movies.

  3. Nah, he'll end up turning that gun on himself, Ken - out of guilt.


    For feck's sake, CJ - lighten up. Yogi was a great little film (for what it was) and some superhero movies have been absolutely brilliant. You need more fun in your life.

  4. Kid, I've yet to see a super-hero movie that was "absolutely brilliant" - which ones do you mean ? As for Yogi - I'll stick with the cartoon version :)

  5. Superman the Movie, the 1st Michael Keaton Batman movie, The 1st X-men movie, 1st Spider-Man, 1st Iron Man, 1st Avengers - and there are bound to be a couple more. As for Yogi - the movie was a cartoon - but with real actors and a CGI Yogi. I really enjoyed it. (Is it time for my medicine yet?)

  6. Is Kick Ass a superhero movie? It's absolute brilliant, whatever it is. Here kid, try this one:-

  7. Why has Superman seemingly got no back to his costume?

  8. At a guess, I'd say the costumes are made from body warmers, the ones dancers wear. That's the way they come, open at the shoulders with a low back, because that's where you sweat. Of course I know all this cos of my time as a principle dancer in Paris.

  9. I knew I'd seen you somewhere before, DSE. Don't you remember ne? I was the orchestra leader.

  10. Eh, 'ne'? 'Me', of course.


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