Monday 15 June 2015


Here's a young GRACE LEE WHITNEY from,
I believe, before her STAR TREK days.  To be honest,
I wouldn't even have recognized her if not for her being
identified as the actress who was Yeoman JANICE
 RAND.  She sure was a babe, no doubt about it!


  1. Call me a grumpy old git, but I suspect that's a PhotoShop job (and that's a call I don't often make)

  2. Judging by the barnet and the lame, I would put the date of that snap at mid to late 70's.

  3. More likely airbrushed, BS - unless you mean it's a composite of her head and someone else's body. If DSE's right about it being from the '70s, them a few wrinkles have probably been 'ironed out'.


    Actually, now that I look at it, it could well be from around then, DSE. I'd put her fuller figure down to 'puppy fat', and the fact that it was in black & white made me think it was an early snap.


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