Sunday 21 June 2015


"Okay, sweetheart, you don't need
the gun, of course I'll make love to you!"
would doubtless be my rapid response if I
were ever to meet the dreamy DALIAH
 LAVI.  Wow!  Wotta stunnah!


  1. If she had played a spy just one more time in a movie, she probably would have been detained for questioning by the FBI or MI5. But that's also true of Senta Berger and Luciana Paluzzi. There sure seemed to be a lot of hot babes in the secret agent business in the mid-1960's.

  2. Don't forget to knock before shooting

  3. True - apart from Rosa Klebb and Irma Bunt, TC - yeeeuuuuuccchhhh!!!


    Too late, DSE. I'm a real sharp-shooter.

  4. Whatever happened to Daliah? Miss her mad beehive she could've played Valentina in a SHIELD film.

  5. I believe she was a singer as well, Karl - I must track down one of her albums some day.

  6. I'm kind of surprised they didn't make a SHIELD film in 1966 or '67. There were a lot of spy films being made at that time, as well as movies based on comics (Modesty Blaise, Diabolik, Barbarella).

    I believe Daliah quit making movies in the early 1970's. afaik, her last film was the spaghetti western "Catlow," starring Yul Brynner and Richard Crenna. After that, she had a second career as a cabaret singer in Germany. The last I heard, she was retired and living with her husband in North Carolina.

  7. I think she'd have made a great Modesty Blaise, TC.


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