Sunday 28 June 2015


If ever words were redundant, then this is surely
such a case.  Gentleman - BRIGITTE BARDOT!


  1. Nice sweater Brigitte, I'd 've been about 4'8" when this snap was taken, just the right age for a dance.

  2. Talking about dancing, DSE, Irmy is looking to go a few rounds with you over in the comments section of the previous post. Better bring your boxing gloves. Ding, ding! Round one...

  3. Thanks for the invite Kid, I caught a glimpse of it, but I don't really bother with that kind of person.

  4. I'm sure he's a really decent guy, DSE (as are you), but something you wrote set him off. I'd have enjoyed the discussion because I might've learned something, but what's not to be is not to be I suppose.

  5. I would still appreciate a quick reference to the paragraph of the code, please. I always marvel experts in their field.

  6. Oh yeah, something I meant to ask, did you ever find Larry Grayson even remotely funny? To me he was about as amusing as a dose of clap on a trip Ibiza.

  7. Ah - 'marvel' - now there's a word I recognize, Irmy. I'm getting smarter by the second.


    As a rule, no, DSE. I occasionally tittered mildly at his exaggerated camp manner, but it was a rare instance (and probably actually only in the singular) indeed.


    Right lads, shake and make up. I don't mind a good rammy, but only when both sides are up for it. Take your coats back and go and have a cup of tea.


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