Monday 29 June 2015


Go on then, Crivs - feast your
eyes on the magnificent MARTINE
BESWICK.  It's every red-blooded
 man's duty to look.  (Yes it is!)


  1. Martine Beswick, yeah I've heard of her. BTW have you seen the Provis/Leigh live action pilot she was in, The Solarnauts?

  2. It might be dreadful but I kinda like it, especially Loejick or however you spell it, he was a decent villain, well for kids anyway. Even though it's Provis's model photography that's usually cited as the main flaw in the Provis/Leigh stuff, it has a certain charm in that context.

  3. Perhaps if I'd seen it as a kid, I might've had a different opinion. Funny that, eh?

  4. I watched the Solarnauts pilot episode, and two episodes of Space Patrol, and one of Paul Starr, on YouTube early this morning. They didn't seem (to me, anyway) any worse than a lot of shows on Saturday morning TV back then. Kids today would probably laugh at the low budgets and hokey effects.

    The Leigh/Provis shows were so similar to Gerry Anderson's (Supercar, Fireball XL5, etc.) that I'm surprised that neither one sued the other.

    I never saw any of the Leigh/Provis shows on TV, although I did see most of the Anderson shows back then. I've read that Space Patrol was shown on American TV, retitled "Planet Patrol." The change may have been to avoid confusion (and/or a trademark dispute) with an American 1950's sci-fi adventure TV series that had the same title.

  5. Provis and Anderson used to be partners, TC (AP Productions at the start of some Anderson shows stands for Anderson/Provis, 'though they'd split by then), so perhaps they had a gentlemen's agreement not to be petty over techniques they'd developed or overseen together.


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