Sunday 21 June 2015


Oh dear, I've had a right old time of it.  Last night I swallowed a bottle of TIPP-EX by mistake, instead of my VIAGRA.  When I woke up this morning, I had an enormous correction.

(Thanks to my old school chum and media maestro JIM SYMON, who told me that when I ran into him the other day.  Thanks, Jim.)


  1. Hi, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for following my blog for such a long time. That means a lot to me. And I also wanted to ask you a favor, I'm promoting my own comic book, as you can see here:

    It would mean a lot to me if you help me spread the link around, and even better yet, if you post something about this on your blog.


  2. It sounds like your mate has found the long lost,legendary Bob Monkhouse Joke Book...

  3. I'll see what I can do, Arion, once I've had a look at your link.


    I think that long-lost book (there was more than one of them, I believe) eventually turned up, Cer, but it's certainly a Bob Monkhouse type joke.

  4. Bob Monkhouse wrote for Bob didn't he? Either way I thought it was funny! :)

  5. He wrote for two Bobs, AJ - himself and Bob Hope, on occasion. Yeah, it made me laugh.


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