Thursday 4 June 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

The year 1986 saw the publication of the second MARVEL AGE Annual, which, when flipped, had an 'imaginary' version of what the mag might've looked like had it existed in 1963.  But why read what I have to say about it when STAN LEE's on hand to give you all the details?  Over to you, Stan.

Despite the cover boasting 48 Big Pages, the above is all there was of the 1963 content, I'm afraid.  Below is what the 'real' cover looked like on the other side of the mag.  Which do you prefer?


  1. Marvel Age magazine was a ton of fun when it ran. I really enjoyed this bit of company advertising. There were some really outstanding covers done during its run. You've showcased two of my favorites on that special.

    Rip Off

  2. I think I've got most of them, Rip, with a few exceptions. It was a nice little mag in its time.


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