Tuesday 26 May 2015


I've finally managed to get my TV CENTURY 21 Specials down from the loft, so I've snapped a piccie of all six of them to make you all jealous.  Back in the 1960s, I only bought the first two (maybe three) of them - don't recall even seeing the remaining three when they originally went on sale.  Got all six of them now though, and had 'em for a good while.

Did you have any of these comics?  Feel free to share your reminiscences of them in the comments section.  Incidentally, the first one shown wasn't the first published, but rather the second.  However, it's my favourite.  The second one shown is actually the third, so you'll have to mentally rearrange them.  (The bottom three are in their sequential order though.)


  1. I don't have any of those! But I do have the collected reprints. I don't believe the paperback collection contains all the reprints though, only a selection.

  2. Those books are excellent, Phil, with quite a few pages printed from the original art. You're right, they don't reprint complete issues at one go, only selections from various issues.

  3. No, I didn't have any either and I only ever had the first annual too.

  4. Regarding that first Annual, JP, I've seen it on eBay for £75 upwards, amd also for about £5 or £6 - in great condition too. Might be worth ckecking eBay out if you're looking to replace the book.

  5. Luckily I've still got the annual, Kid - and in pretty good nick, too!

  6. Good show, JP - mind and look after it.


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