Thursday 7 May 2015


Back in the 1960s, there were three distinctive comics on sale in U.K. newsagents.  They were part of the POWER PACK, five weekly periodicals published by ODHAMS PRESS, but only three of them - WHAM!, SMASH!, and POW! - combined humour strips with reprints of the American MARVEL COMICS GROUP (aside from an occasional funny page in the other two, FANTASTIC and TERRIFIC).

A few years ago, a wizened old wizard who hides out in an abandoned Tibetan monastery, produced limited edition, high quality omnibus volumes of strips drawn by the legendary artist KEN REID, which had appeared in the three aforementioned comic titles.  Truly, they're a delight to the eye - every FRANKIE STEINJASPER The GRASPER, QUEEN Of The SEAS, The NERVS, and DARE-A-DAY DAVY page ever drawn by Ken and published in the Power papers.  So what's not to like?  Have you got them?

In case you haven't, here's what they look like - just so you can recognize them should they ever appear on eBay.  They'll be a bit pricey, so I'd start saving now if I were you.  You wouldn't want to miss out for lack of requisite funds, would you?  You'd be kicking yourself for years!  Don't they look great?  Which of the strips mentioned was your favourite - and why?


  1. What you really need now to complement these marvelous tomes are a couple more volumes, - one Beano and the other Jet, Scorcher & Score, etc.

  2. Funny you should say that, JP...


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