Friday, 22 May 2015


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Several posts back, I provided a link to this great story from my youth over on KARSWELL's blog, but it's so good that I want to feature it on my own blog as well - so here it is!  From STRANGE SUSPENSE STORIES #4, illustrated by GEORGE EVANSThe MAN Who OUTDISTANCED DEATH!

I first read this tale in someone else's house and the comic was never part of my collection.  Until seeing it again on Karswell's blog, I hadn't laid eyes on it since back in the late 1960s, yet it made such an impression on me that it stayed in my head for all this time.  Seeing it again, it was hard to believe that almost 50 years have passed since I read it in a black & white L. MILLER reprint mag.  Now, thanks to IDW reprinting the tale in HAUNTED HORROR #16, I finally have it in my possession.


  1. Maybe I'm going blind but when I first saw this I thought you were showing me a young Neal Adams! Despite knowing Evans' work...strange!

  2. I first saw this strip when I was around 9 years old, Norman. Only saw it again recently, but I remembered almost every panel, which surely shows how memorable it was. I don't see Adams in it, but I'm not familiar with his early work. It does remind me of someone 'though, but I can't recall the name for the moment. Better get my running shoes on - I need to get a bit of training in, just in case.

  3. That story was new to me when I read it on Karswell's blog, (is his first name Julian?) it certainly made an impression.

  4. Dunno what first name he uses with that alias, DSE, but I know his real name. (Not telling.) Brilliant story, ain't it?

  5. It's so good Kid, I just might plagiarise it.

  6. Pay 'homage', is the correct way to put it, I believe, DSE.


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