Wednesday 6 May 2015


Copyright relevant owner

The comic strip version of BILLY BUNTER (created by FRANK RICHARDS, the pen name of CHARLES HAMILTON) appeared in KNOCK-OUT Comic and was originally drawn by FRANK MINNITT.  After Minnitt's death, other artists took over the strip, amongst them ERIC ROBERTS, ARTHUR MARTIN, LES BARTON, ALBERT PEASE and REG PARLETT.  It's Reg with whom I identify the strip, from VALIANT & SMASH! and VALIANT & TV21.  I'm unsure how many of these pages were reprints and how many (if any) were new, but regardless, they were always visually funny.  Here are two pages from the 1972 Valiant & TV21 Holiday Special for you to enjoy. 

And here's the actual cover...


  1. Now then, about a decade prior to this, I remember reading Billy Bunter in a different comic, possibly Buster?

  2. In your vast comics collection do you have the Valiant 1970 Summer Special and if so could you list the stories that were in it? I have a vague recollection of a haunted house type story - it could have been Kelly's Eye - that I'd like to see again. I used to have this issue but it disappeared years ago and I've not seen it for sale at any comics fairs. Thanks in advance.

  3. 1962? It would've been Valiant, JP.


    Unfortunately, I don't have that one, Mel. However, at the moment, DVDs are available on eBay, containing collections of Valiant, including Annuals & Summer Specials. Might be worth a visit. Just jump over to eBay and type 'Valiant comic' into the search box.

  4. I've now got the Valiant Summer Special for 1970, Mel - are you still looking for a list of the contents? Let me know.


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