Sunday 31 May 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Four issues for the price of three this time around, chums, as we wrap up the colour issues of CAPTAIN BRITAIN in this post.  Next time, as we continue the series, it'll be mainly black & white images (apart from the covers) that your awestruck orbs will encounter.  However, it's not all bad news - JOHN BUSCEMA & TOM PALMER take up the artistic duties on the good Captain, which can in no way be defined as a demotion. 

So why was the comic transformed into a b&w publication after only 23 issues?  It seems obvious that the weekly title wasn't selling as expected and savings had to be made.  Losing the colour content would've reduced overheads considerably, so it's likely that's why the decision was made by the head honchos at MARVEL.  Sadly, it didn't help, as the mag only lasted for another 16 issues - which we'll start taking a look at in the very next post in this series.  Don't forget to be here or you'll miss all the fun!


  1. Such a great selection of classic art!
    I read the Steranko SHIELD issues in 2013. Amazing stuff!

  2. Yeah, he could certainly draw, Arion. I quite liked his X-Men stuff as well.

  3. It was because of these issues that I learned the Prime Minister's name - him and Denis Healey were the only politicians I knew. Jim Callaghan was very tall, about 6' 6" I think, so Captains A and B must have been huge if that final CB splash page is to be believed !

  4. Downing Street's website lists his height as six foot one inch, CJ. As an older man, he probably slouched.

  5. Omigod that page not drawn by Steranko! Lol. I remember all these issues. hey look Nazis as bad guys! One thing I always loved about Captain America is he slugged Nazis in the face. Now he slugs Hydra...not quite the same is it.
    You realize you're going to make me buy these Captain Britain reprints.

  6. Phil, as well as the 5 Panini/Marvel softcover volumes, Marvel U.S. printed a deluxe, hardbacked Omnibus edition. Straight down to your local Forbidden Planet store with your piggy bank.

  7. Kid, I'll have to take your word for it as I've got no intention of visiting the Downing Street website now or ever. Unlike you I did consider the loss of the colour pages as a demotion but I still kept reading CB till the final issue. The last few colour issues had a white border around the cover which I didn't like but I felt it lost its' magic when the colour went, the thing that had made CB special was gone(well, in my opinion). I'd completely forgotten about that Spidey/Thor team-up - that's why showing the insides of the comic is so fascinating in these posts ! At the moment I'm reading Nightcrawler Volume 2 in which Brian Braddock's sister is one of the X-Men - at least I think it's meant to be the same sister....?

  8. Certainly the colour was a loss, but John Buscema & Tom Palmer were a gain, so they kind of evened each other out. However, had they kept the colour AND got JB & TP, that would've been even better. I didn't like that white border either - mainly because it was uneven, particularly at the bottom. I lied about James Callaghan - he was only two foot three. Check it out.

  9. I wish someone would kidnap the present prime minister!

  10. Well, 'pon my soul, it's JP. What on earth can you possibly have against a nice man like Mr. Cameron?

    1. I WOULD list all the reasons, but I haven't got time, as I'm about a month behind with my blogs!!

  11. You must be busy, JP - your comments these days are more brief and occasional. Gasp! Can my posts have become uninteresting? (Note to self - must try harder.)

  12. TOO busy for my likin', Kid! Ongoing Home improvement & garden projects - sapping up all my spare time!

  13. I have the same kind of projects, JP. Just don't have the energy to do much about them.

    1. I can kind of identity with your having problems doing stuff (because of medical reasons). I CAN manage to acheive quite a lot, BUT it takes me about ten times as long as Joe Average! Hence I'm behind on the net!
      But I promised to do the work and I do take pride in the finished results.
      Don't worry, I'll soon be back!
      Take care, Kidda.

  14. That's the same as me, JP. I can only do things in fits and starts, with long rests in between. I'll get there in the end, hopefully. And I'll still be here when you return. Have fun.


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