Monday 4 May 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Presenting highlights from yet another thrilling three MARVEL U.K. CAPTAIN BRITAIN comics from the sizzlin' 1970s.  CB, FF and NICK FURY - this mag should've lasted longer than it did, but sad to say, somehow failed to grab the loyalty (and dosh) of enough readers to keep it going!  However, not much point now in beating yourselves up over your failure to support this Mighty Marvel Mag (if you were around at the time) - just enjoy the incredible images that lie before you.  And check out those great KIRBY and STERANKO pin-ups!


  1. Well, I DID support it - I had every single issue, even sticking with it after the switch to black & white which was very disappointing. Kid, which of these was the one where the pages were all printed out of order ?

  2. That's the next two issues, I believe, CJ. However, although I'll mention that, I'll probably post the pages in the right order to avoid confusion.

  3. It's all my fault, I didn't buy a single issue, I just flipped through 'em on the shelves in Smiths. I was too busy chasing... ooh what are they called now, you know, they spend all your money, take an hour and half in front of the mirror before they got out the door...

  4. Ah, so YOU'RE to blame, DSE! That'll be women you're talking about. Yeah, they're good at that, aren't they?!

  5. Add me on to the blame list, - I only had a couple of issues first time around, which is why this series is so good for me - It's almost like getting these weeklies brand new!
    I actually discovered how good the original CB was from the TPB reprints.
    ( - on your recommendation, I might add! )

  6. Glad you liked these early tales, JP - otherwise you'd be asking ME to refund you the cost of those TPBs.

  7. I cut out the pin ups and the Steranko splash pages and stuck them on my window of all places.

  8. And now you've got them again, Phil. (If you've got a printer.)

  9. I never liked CB's new face in the corner box - the original one was much better.

  10. I dunno, I kinda liked it. He looks more noble and heroic, as opposed to quite sinister in the original.


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