Monday 27 April 2015


Images copyright relevant owner

Here's a little 'comic' relief (pun intended) in the form of part three of our WHIZZER & CHIPS Annual cover gallery.  There's just something about these colourful images that conjures up memories of the past, particularly around Christmas, when these books were usually given as Yuletide presents to eager children everywhere.

Did you have one of these bumper books when you were a kid?  Don't hold back now, share your happy reminiscences with your fellow Criv-ites.  Remember - it's your duty!


  1. Did you get examples of every UK 70's & 80's humour title, Kid? For me, after W&C, I read some For, Whoopee and Wow, but then I missed a lot until Oink came out. So there are a lot of titles I have never even perused, like Shiver & Shake, Jackpot and Monster & School Fun, etc.

  2. Don't know about 'every', but I bought Shiver & Shake, Monster Fun, Whoopee, Wow!, Buzz, etc. I didn't always buy them for long, but enough to get a taste of them.


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