Sunday 19 April 2015


Every week, for about 10 or 12 years, I used to visit a little village overlooking the sea.  The stone cottages, the rowboats on the beach, the hills in the distance, all were familiar sights to me for a large part of my childhood and teenage years.  To me, this village existed only in a framed print of a painting hanging on my grandparents' living-room wall above the fireplace (though, as far as I know, it's a real location), and that framed window was a portal into a place of peace and tranquillity beside the seashore.

I still visit that little little island today on occasion, as that self-same painting passed into our possession when my grandparents moved into an old folks home in the late 1970s or very early '80s.  When I want to remember those halcyon days (to use a well-worn phrase) of my childhood, I'll wander into the room in which it hangs and stand and gaze upon it, recalling a vanished era that becomes more precious to me the farther it recedes on the horizon of history.

The painting is by an artist named T.R. SANDERSON, of whom I can find no personal details when I Google the name, though there are examples of his or her art on view.  Does anyone know anything about the artist, and - even more important - can you identify where the above picture was actually painted?  Who knows, one day I may actually stand on the spot where the painting was produced, and pretend to myself that I've stepped through the frame and onto that hopefully not too far distant shore. 


  1. I too have a copy of this print and I too am wondering just who the artist was and where exactly was the landscape painted. I could not find any information on J R Sanderson online and would really like to find out more

  2. Hopefully we'll find out some day soon. I check the internet every so often to see if there's any fresh info. Anyone out there help?


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