Friday 24 April 2015



Why waste time with words you don't want to read?  Let's cut to the chase and get straight into these centre-spread pin-ups from THE TITANS weekly, first published back in the mid-'70s by MARVEL U.K.

Got a favourite?  Then let us know, frantic one.

Conan copyright CPI


  1. Poor poor Adam Warlock.
    Obviously tracing off some Gil Kane,badly,until he got to the face.
    I would have been delighted that my favourite character was centre stage,was he featured in The Titans comic ?
    I don't remember if he was.
    In Planet of the Apes he was a back up feature.

    That Ka-Zar drawing triggered a wee memory from when I first saw it.
    I immediately felt quite sad.

    Then again it may just be the terrible drawing burning my soul again!

    "Hey zabu,I'm drunk again and my legs are not working."

    Even though the majority of these posters are shite,it does make for a good post.

  2. Anybody coloured any of them in yet, Kid?

  3. I don't remember if he was either, Baab, and I just bought all 58 of them a few months back. I'll have to check when I've got a moment. I think some of these drawings wouldn't look as bad as they do if they had some colour in them, as it tends to give them an extra dimension.


    Not yet, JP - I doubt anyone will, but I thought it nice to make the offer.

  4. I could be wrong but I don't think Warlock was in The Titans but neither was the Hulk, Shang-Chi, Conan or Ka-Zar - not being in the comic clearly didn't matter when it came to the centre-spreads. Talking of colouring-in - I had felt-tip pens, crayons and coloured pencils and if I really liked a certain splash page I'd colour it in and pin it up.

  5. You're right, CJ - they used characters whether they had their own strip in the comic or not. Haven't checked to see whether Warlock was in it yet.

  6. Nice to see these, Kid. The art is so derivative that I'm having a hard time id'ing the posters that aren't signed by Jeff Aclin and Dave Hunt, although most of them appear to be inked by Mike Esposito. The Conan poster is my favorite of the bunch.

  7. Hi, Nick. Y'know, I suspect that the artists had a hard time thinking in the 'widescreen' format, which is probably why the layouts are a bit dodgy on some of them. However, they're still interesting.

  8. I was thinking something similar about the aspect ratio Kid, it's more suited to a panorama subject. Perhaps with some action or reflection upon a scene from a character in the foreground. As they turned out, I think the layouts work OK, except for the one that did go for the panorama subject, which baab sums up perfectly. I imagine that one was executed under the pressure of an urgent deadline -- very urgent.

  9. I think that most of them were probably produced under quicker than usual conditions, DSE. I'd still love to see them in colour 'though.

  10. Shang Chi has a new look now. He got a regular haircut and wears basic black. He also got a new father. Not for PC reasons, but Fu Manchu was copyrighted and Marvel didn't want to pay to renew the use of the character, a rather reasonable reason to rewrite his origin if you ask me.

  11. I always said that Marvel should have made the Yellow Claw Shang-Chi's father. Who did they give him?

  12. Shang Chi was briefly revived around 2002-2003 - I bought an issue from Forbidden Planet which was my first Marvel comic for nearly 20 years. I only had that one issue though and I don't remember much about it but I assume that's what Phil is talking about ? I don't think Shang Chi has been used by Marvel since, but I'm not certain about that.

  13. Ta, CJ. I'll Google it and see what I can find out about it.

  14. Shang-Chi has been an Avenger since 2013, I think. I gave up the Hickman Avengers because there were far too many issues to read. Avengers Shang is not unlike his Bendis/Ultimate Spider-Man incarnation.

  15. It'll be interesting to see if he ever makes it into the movies, eh, Dougie? I have difficulty in imagining him as an Avenger even in the comic, to be honest.


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