Wednesday 1 April 2015


When I first put up this post, the images below were a little blurred.  I've now been supplied with bigger and better scans and have therefore decided to re-post the whole thing.  I've cut and pasted any original comments to save folk having to submit them again.  Aren't I considerate?


Well, this one's a bit later than planned because of all the comments I've had to respond to in a previous post, but here we are at last.  Vince (from SIV & VINCE's Blog) used to live next door to cartoonist MIKE LACEY, who sent the above drawing to him a few years later.  What a belter, eh?  I'm going to find out where he lives and go 'round and steal it.  (Hee hee!)

Below are six pages that Mike was given to familiarise himself with the look of the strips while filling-in for their regular artists when they were ill or on holiday.  He kindly sent them to Vince also.  The pages were just a bit too big for Vince's scanner, so he photographed them by the light from a window, hence the slight slant and shadow to them.  Thanks for Vince & Siv for letting me show them on my blog.  Enjoy!


  1. Mr Straightman1 April 2015 at 20:23

    Always loved Mike Lacey's art, especially the covers he did for Fleetway annuals.

  2. Top-notch stuff, sure enough.

  3. I'm glad you posted it, Kid. I tried googling it from S&V's comment, but I just kept coming up with the Marvel "It, the Living Colossus".

  4. You've lost me, JP. Remind me, what comment was that? (I'm tired.)

    1. On the ”Is a bell...." post, S&V mention "It! The Living Colossus" and I thought the artwork they were referring to was their parody of it.

  5. Ah, right. I thought you meant you were being directed to a link from a comment to ITLC.


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