Thursday 30 April 2015



Waheyyy, another six centre-spread posters from MARVEL U.K.'s weekly periodical, The TITANS, from the faraway-but-not-forgotten days of the 1970s, when life seemed cleaner, keener, lighter and brighter than it so often does today.  (At least, it does in my mind 'cos I was there.)

As far as I know, these posters were never reprinted in any Marvel mag, either here in Britain or over in America, so our Stateside readers have probably never seen them before.  Whether you have or not though, take the time to luxuriate in the awesome aura of Marvel at its mightiest - in ambition if not in actuality - as you cast your gaze upon these panoramic pictures.

Got a favourite?  Feel free to share.


  1. Well, if you believe all the Tory/New Labour claptrap about the '70s we all went about in rags and survived on charity from soup kitchens - of course in reality Britain was one of the richest countries in the world with a standard of living most people on this planet could only dream of. Anyway, now I've got that off my chest, Kid - could you possibly say what issues these centre-spreads are from in future posts ? I mean just something simple like #15-20 or whatever - because I'd like to match up the centre-spreads with the issues I actually bought, ta :)

  2. One of the many things I love about this blog is the way you continue to show us things that were only published in the UK Marvel & DC and never reprinted anywhere.
    Thanks from me for all this material!

  3. They're already scanned and the comics put away, CJ, so I'd have to dig them out and go through them all again. You don't expect much for free admission, do you? (Huh!) It'll have to wait for the moment, unfortunately. But patience is a virtue and will be rewarded in time.


    There you are, CJ that's what I call a comment! JP's grateful for what he gets. Never asks for a thing. (Koff!)

  4. Kid, don't go to any trouble on my behalf - I can just back to the first centre-spreads post and count them from there. I'd completely forgotten that there were centre-spreads at all until you posted them on this marvellous, excellent, amazing, terrific blog so a million, billion, zillion thanks - see, I can show gratitude too !!

  5. Trouble with that theory 'though, CJ, is that there were some issues that didn't have centre-spreads (#12 was one, I think), so that's something that needs to be accounted for. I'll get around to it before too long, don't worry.

    What a sincere compliment, CJ. As Bob Monkhouse once said, sincerity is a great quality - and once you've managed to fake it, you've got it made.

  6. Was it ever established who the artist/s were for these? They do seem to range in quality somewhat.

  7. Some are signed, Ken, but others are difficult to identify because they seem to be copying other artists.


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