Sunday 26 April 2015


Remember these?  I used to have a full set at one time, but no more, alas.  I really wish that KELLOGG'S would reissue some of their great giveaways of yesteryear - some of them were very nice little collectables indeed.  Anybody got any they'd like to sell?

And thanks to the generosity of PC, I now have a full set of these little critters (different colours to the ones seen here).


  1. I had forgotten these,I am sure I had the one with the ears and maybe another.
    Scary space age stuff.

  2. I remember them well. I think they were out around 1970 or '71.

  3. Pretty sure you can find them eBay - they were quite widespread globally.

    I got a shock a couple of years ago when visiting my parents - my mother mentioned that she had some toys she saved for the grandkids to play with when they were over, and pulled out a large bag chockful of Crater Critters and other plastic goodies that had originally been given away in breakfast cereal.

    I could n't quite think of a way to persuade her to let me have them, so they are all still there for all I know...

  4. There was a set of Indian chiefs busts as well,I do remember collecting all of them.
    They were a bronze or brown colour.

    And some silver space coins in a set as well,but don't think it was Kellogs.
    Ty-Phoo tea bags used a similar promotion as this I think,any ideas?

    Thats about all I remember.
    There was probably a lot more than that in the sixties and seventies.

  5. I've checked eBay, BS, but there doesn't seem to be any of them available at the moment. I won't stop looking for them 'though. Let me know when you find out whether your mother still has them or not, eh?


    The only coins I remember at the moment, Baab, are the ones you got at petrol stations. I also recall busts of British kings that were given away by Kellogg's. I think I had some of the Indian chiefs as well.

  6. Antipodean brekky cereals also had King Neptune and His Switched-On Sea Creatures, Vegetable Olympics, as well little snap-together rockets and lunar modules etc around Apollo 11 time....any of those ring a bell in the Old Dart?

  7. I remember the King Neptune ones for sure, BS. I'd have to see pictures of the others first, to prompt my memory.

  8. Check out this lot and see if they stir anything...

  9. I wish the images were bigger,BS, but it was good to see the Neptunes toys again. Ta for the link.

  10. I had the Fishbone Crater Critter (in orange) for years and the Neptune seahorse rang a faint bell.

  11. Dougie, I had that one (for a good while longer than the others), too - in lime green. Wish I could get it again.

  12. Hi Kid

    Haven't commented for a while die to another trip - and shenanigans, I think that's the technical term, with passwords and such on my Google account. But just want to let you know that I have a set of Crater Critters if you are still interested.
    Not sure how you want to make contact to sort out arrangements - exchange of email addresses?

  13. Long time no hear, Phil. Use the comment box to send me your email address - don't worry, I won't publish it (comment moderation) - and then I'll use it to send you mine. How much do you want for them? They'll be for my own collection, not for selling on.


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