Wednesday 29 April 2015


Probably the best version of this song
you'll ever hear.  JIM REEVES sings I


  1. For me though, it's got to be Ray's version. I was introduced to the music of Ray Charles by my dear Uncle Bill ( the one who used to buy me all those comics ) and on Saturdays as I'd be unwrapping my bundle of comics at y Granny's, Bill would be playing his Ray Charles LP's on his record player. The two things go hand-in-hand!

  2. Well, it's hard to ignore childhood associations I suppose, JP, but Jim steals it for me.

  3. If you were to ask me who was my favourite singer of all time,I think Jim Would be my choice.His vocal delivery both in terms of tone and diction just hit the spot. You can almost feel your blood pressure drop whenever his dulcet tones wash over you and all at once you are in a nicer place.

  4. You're obviously a man of taste and discernment, Moony. Pat Twitty once said that Jim's voice was so soft and relaxing, it was like someone walking through snow without leaving a footprint.


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