Monday 13 April 2015


Your tongues have hit the floor
and you're simply not interested in any
waffle from me with the above heavenly
vision gazing out at you.  So I'll now make
myself scarce while you lot slobber all
 over this hot pic of LIZ FRASER.


  1. Excuse me miss, perhaps I can be of assistance, I just happen to carry a needle and thread together with an assortment of buttons, for just such a contingency as the button you seem to have lost on your blouse. I can't promise, that it'll be a perfect job, my hand seems to be shaking for some reason.

  2. Very noble of you, DSE. Perhaps she should take off her blouse to facilitate your mending job. How about it, Miss?

  3. I think she only appeared in about 2 Carry On films - so Barbara Windsor, Joan Sims and Hatti Jacques to follow as Babes Of The Day, Kid ?

  4. Well, if you're into Hattie, CJ, who am I to say thee nay? (Barbara Windsor's definitely in with a shout 'though.)


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