Thursday 9 April 2015


Here we go - after the fun of the
last couple of posts, we return to normal
with latest Babe, GRACE LEE WHITNEY
as Yeoman JANICE RAND in TV's STAR
TREK.  She appeared in only eight episodes
of the first series before being written out,
though she returned for four of the big
 screen movies.  (Welcome back.)


  1. Flippin 'eck, I don't remember her as quite that top heavy. Not much risk of breaking her nose if she falls over.

  2. She was also in the Outer Limits episode "Controlled Experiment", which managed the difficult feat of being a good comedy episode. (See The Twilight Zone, where a high proportion of dud episodes are the comedy ones.)

  3. That IS hard to believe! - only 8! episodes? And yet she made such a big impression on my memory! It was never the same in the movies, when they made her wear those awful trousers!
    Now if I had had a hand in her uniform....
    Thanks, Kid - excellent post.
    ( Click, Click! CLICK, CLICK! )

  4. Unless she trips on the stairs perhaps, DSE.


    Haven't seen that one, Joe. I'll check to see if it's on YouTube.


    If you'd had a hand in her uniform, JP, you'd have been arrested.


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