Thursday 19 March 2015


All images copyright MARVEL COMICS

This is one comic that should've succeeded - but didn't.  Reprinting classic SPIDER-MAN adventures from different eras in the Web-slinger's main mag (including LEE & DITKO classics), and MARVEL TEAM-UP tales, it was a nifty little number that gave plenty of bang for its buck (so to speak).  Not that there was really anything 'little' about this mag - 96 pages (maybe 100 counting the covers, but I'm too lazy to check), made it fully deserving of its designation as a 'megazine' rather than mere magazine, which, as I'm sure we all know, can often be inferior affairs, ill-equipped to meet the comicbook challenges that confront them.

Unfortunately, I can't scan the contents without risking damage to the pages (too tightly bound), so you'll just have to settle for the covers.  There were only six issues before it was discontinued, so it shouldn't be too difficult (or expensive) to track them down on eBay should you feel so inclined.  Go on - give yourself a treat today!


  1. Sorta like a UK Treasury Edition ?

  2. It was the same page size as a regular comic, CJ, but the amount of pages were about the same as a TE.

  3. And if I'd looked more closely I'd have seen it wasn't British - doh !!

  4. Neither were the TEs, CJ, 'though some of them were printed with U.K. prices on them. These Megazines are great mags, if you're looking to add something to your collection.

  5. Kid, I knew the TEs weren't British but I thought these were till I looked more closely and saw the price and the Comics Code symbol - and I don't have a collection to add anything to :)

  6. Don't have a collection, CJ? GASP! Time you started collecting something - even if it's only money.


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