Wednesday 25 March 2015



Here's SIMON TEST getting up to all sorts of exciting escapades on six covers of SMASH! from 1970.  This is the latest in our cover gallery featuring this titanic title from 40-odd years ago, and it was one of Britain's best periodicals for boys in an age when there was still a comics industry in this country, as opposed to the 'craft fair' that exists today.

I've mentioned before that, spectacular as these covers are, I think IPC missed a trick by not alternating the featured character from week-to-week, as it would surely have intrigued potential new readers to see a different face staring up at them from newsagents' counters from time to time.  Any thoughts on the matter?


  1. Kid, have you put them away again yet? It's just how did he avoid a choppin' on the 11th April? You can't show me a cover like that and leave me wondering! I gotta know!

  2. The third cover from the top probably wouldn't be allowed now - the image of African savages about to kill a white man would be considered stereotypical and offensive (I suppose).

  3. He sneezed, and the snot hit the guy with the chopper in the eye, making him drop it on his toe, whereupon he rapidly bled to death and the others ate him, not wanting to waste a good meal. In the confusion, Simon Test managed to escape. (Can't be @rsed looking to see, JP.)


    Maybe they're not African savages, CJ. It might be taking place in Birmingham, in a large back garden. You'd still get away with the cover today if you said the savages were a forgotten tribe deep in the recesses of a hidden jungle somewhere, and that civilization had passed them by.


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