Sunday 22 March 2015



If you saw the thumbnail image of the above cover in your blog- list and thought "Hey, that looks familiar!" then you were right.  The layout was first used for the cover of The X-MEN #1, and has been 'homaged' a few times since then, some examples of which I've shown all you panting Criv-ites before.

Still, doesn't hurt to show another one now, does it?


  1. Well spotted, I might not have noticed, had you not brought it to our attention.

  2. Thanks, but I think everyone will have noticed, JP, if they're familiar with X-Men #1.

    1. It was the Thor cover I hadn't seen before. ( The "big disappearing act", - yet again! )

  3. Do you follow the Marvel University blog? I find a lot of their comments sneering and destructive about comics that I have fond memories of, but it's still interesting to see all the covers month by month. Anyhow, a recent comment on that blog pointed out that the cover of Tomb of Dracula #36 is an obvious homage to the original Hulk #3 from 1962 - one of the more unlikely examples of Comic Covers Snap!

  4. I don't think I've seen that one, Andrew - I'll check it out. Thanks.

  5. I was distracted by Thor's pink cape.
    That is an interesting comparison Andrew.

  6. I've still to check it out, Baab. Now it's interesting as well as unlikely? I can't wait to see it.


    You mean that out of all the Thor covers, that's the only one you've not seen before, JP? Amazing!

  7. I love the Frenz version of Excalibur here- they feel really Mighty Marvel, instead of a quirky, 2000 AD-lite adjunct.

  8. Frenz is a great artist, Dougie, and very 'Marvel', as you say. I also loved his art on Superman back in the '90s.


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