Friday 27 March 2015


SUZI PERRY is another babe I know
nothing about - apart from the fact she has
something to do with automobiles.  She's one
of regular reader McS's favourite burds, and
who am I to deny him (and us) a cheeky wee
 peek at such a perfect pair of pins?


  1. Now that's what I call service - there's a cool pic of Suzi clad all in leather very much like Black Widow (to keep the comic book theme going here- yeah lets use that excuse)

  2. It was a choice between the one you describe and the one I went for, McScotty. On this occasion, this pic won.

  3. And have you noticed the way she flirts with the camera with her eyes?
    I'm sorrry, McScotty, but it was ME she was looking at! I could tell. Stuff the gadgets, she was looking at me, all coy, like.

  4. Nah, JP - it's ME she's looking at. People don't call me 'Gordie Handsome' for nothing. (Costs me £40 per month.)

    Incidentally, I think you apologised needlessly on that other blog. Your joke wasn't ABOUT the disabled, it was about those who insist on having every single kind of person in the world 'represented' in comicbooks or the media. Personally, I say stuff those who are determined to take offence over anything and everything. Also, in their intro to the re-posting, they talk about 'the argument that followed' - there was no argument per se - as I only stated that the accusation that I was a bigot or a racist was without foundation, and did so perfectly civilly. It's an aptly named blog - because they seem to treat everyone like babies. "Oh, what well-behaved commenters you all are! Have a pat on the head" How condescending.

    1. It seemed the gentlemanly thing to do, being as how Anon ( the same one, do you think? I've seen his pattern before ) took offence. He only showed himself up, by refusing it.
      BUT - I WAS mischeivous in posting that remark, but it was saddening me to hear hurtful remarks being thrown at my friend in "his lilywhite world", which I knew not to be true and I thought, "THIS'll shut him up!"
      Anyway, I thought that there might be some fallout, so I had to be prepared to deal with it head on. - My shit, so it was down to me to clean it up! I am satisfied that I have done so, whilst retaining my dignity.
      But, just between you and me, I don't think I really fit in over there. Everyone seems so deadly serious, like it's a matter of life or death! And we're talking about comics! - you know. FUN!!

  5. I forgot to say what I came here to say!
    We were watching "The Gadget Show" and the missus sez, "Look at 'er [Suzi],who duz she think she is?" (whilst raising one bosom with the inside of one of her folded forearms)!
    So I sez, "I know, pet, but there's some interesting gadgets coming up."
    ( Gadgets? - WHAT fecking gadgets? I can't remember a single one ov'm!!)

  6. I think there were two Anons, JP, possibly three. The one who took offence at Mexicans being used to represent all Latinos (as he said), maybe another saying there was racism on the blog, and one who was jumping on the bandwagon to stir things up against me in pursuit of a grudge. His idea was to provoke me so that it looked like I was the cause of an argument. However, I simply said I wasn't a racist or a bigot; I wasn't rude to anyone, nor did I call anyone names. The blog may pride itself on being a 'drama-free zone', but it's at the expense of getting to grips with potentially controversial issues - they merely skirt around the edges in a superficial manner.

    I don't think I've ever seen the Gadget Show, JP.

    1. Like I said, they shouldn't have censored anything and let people see who the real trouble makers were. Leave them on and let them show their shameful selves up.

  7. They'd be better just having comment moderation, JP. That solves any problems. What's interesting is that the person having a go at you is clearly trying to stir things up, but is being allowed to get away with it without any reprimand from the blog owners. Why are his provocative anonymous comments being allowed?

    1. Maybe they thought I deserved it?
      What I'd like to know is what was I supposed to be "up to"?
      Beats me!

  8. Someone accused you of making fun of the disabled, but that wasn't your intention - you were making a point about those who insist on representation for everyone.

  9. Kid, I was going to ask the other day if you'd seen John's continuing comments on BAB and the reaction from another (or the same ) anonymous commenter - obviously you had. I don't really understand the fuss about the comments either, they weren't that uncivil.

  10. Well, certainly none of my comments were uncivil, but it's always possible that an agitator was stirring things up behind the scenes (with reference to myself) and that the blog owners overreacted to the situation. They certainly did overreact, regardless of what prompted it.

  11. Actually, I enjoy reading a good ol' slanging match in the comments hee, hee.

  12. Really? Hey, JP, come and insult CJ so we can get an argument going.

    1. Col -, you!
      I guess I got a brief taste of how Bloggers feel when getting anonymous hecklers. All experience, I suppose.
      ALL the uncivility on that post came from anonymous quarters. Never really saw the need for anonymity on comics blogs. Are some people embarrassed or ashamed in case someone finds out they like "childish" things?
      Me, I'm PROUD of my interests!
      But, I'm also a bit of an empath. If someone says hurtful things to my friends, I feel their pain too. Add a quwirky sense of humour to that and you come up with my input on that imfamous post.
      In future I shall keep my gobshite to where it usually goes.
      Hey, I'm surprised that I haven't caused an uproar on here before with some of my rants against the government and TV's portrayal of the poor!

  13. Well, if you insist, JP, I'll try and find something to take offence at in your next rant (just to keep you happy) - even if I probably agree with it.


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