Thursday 26 March 2015


Time for today's glamour
(over and above my photo on
the right, that is), so here's bright-
as-a-button RACHEL RILEY to
provide it.  McSCOTTY will surely
be happy to see her, being a huge
fan of hers.  But then, who isn't? 
(Apart, that is, from CAROL


  1. Cheers Kid, nice to see a nice wee pic of the lovely Rachel after a very long working week - One suggestion for your next (totally PC) "Babe of the day" is Suzi Peri (I drive but Im not interested in cars but she made me watch TV car / bike programmes) hopfully the replacement for Jeremy Clarkson

  2. Aha! Managed to tear yourself away from the hedges outside Judith Ralston's house, eh, McScotty? Trying to make Rachel jealous? I'll look up Suzi Peri right away.

  3. Right you two, I see what you both mean now! My missus has had Jimmy Carr's Countdown on the box quite a lot lately and my eyes are getting sore with not blinking!
    "You can leave it on, pet, if you want to watch it," I say.

  4. Bet you can't eat your dinner off a tray on your lap when it's on, eh, JP?


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