Friday 13 March 2015


There's no sinking feeling when ever-so kissable
KATE WINSLET is about.  She may be regarded as a
titanically talented actress (in more ways than one), but
it's her stunningly attractive looks that we mere men are
here to appreciate today.  (Isn't that right, Crivvies?) 
 So - all hail the most magnificent Kate.  Yeah.


  1. Kid, did you ever watch the Ricky Gervais show "Extras" ? In one of the episodes Kate Winslett played herself playing a nun in a World War II film - the "Extras" version of Kate is supposed to be very cynical and is only acting in the film because it's about the Holocaust and she thinks that's the easiest way to get an Oscar - it was hilarious and a few years later she really did win an Oscar for playing a German woman just after the end of the war.

  2. I did indeed, CJ, and was well-impressed by her willingness to send herself up. I think Extras is the only thing I've ever seen her in 'though.

  3. Surely you've seen 'Titanic' ? Actually, I've only seen it once, about 10 years ago on TV (on Christmas Day I think) - it wasn't all that great and we already knew the ending :)

  4. Nope, never seen it, but was fed up hearing the theme song on the radio all the bloody time when it was first released. It was a chick-flick, wasn't it? Not my cuppa tea at all.

  5. I suppose you could call it a chick-flick but I watched it for the sinking of the ship. When the wreck of the Titanic was discovered it was found in two halves because the ship had split in two before sinking - this had not been known when previous Titanic films like 'A Night To Remember' and 'Raise The Titanic' were made so I wanted to see if the sinking of the ship would be portrayed accurately in 'Titanic' - and indeed it was.

  6. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I seem to recall a review of the film saying that they got the number of funnels wrong. Know anything about that, CJ?

  7. Kid, if you're looking for a good Kate Winslet movie, check out Peter Jackson's "Heavenly Creatures" from 1994 - one of her earliest (if not first) roles, also starring Melanie Lynskey, as a couple of homicidal schoolgirls. Based on a true story that shocked New Zealand...what's not to love?

  8. Ta, BS. I'll keep an eye out for it coming up on TV.

  9. Kid, I hadn't heard about that - but did you know that one of the four funnels on the Titanic (the real one) was false ? It was there simply because four looked more impressive than three. When I was a kid, around 1976, I read about a survivor of the Titanic who said that the ship had split in two before sinking but he was ignored because nobody else had mentioned it - when the wreck was found in 1985 it was in two halves separated by a 1000 feet or so, that survivor had been right all along. What baffles me is how none of the other 700 or so survivors noticed that the Titanic had split in two - the noise alone must have been deafening and the sight of the world's biggest ocean liner at 45 degrees out of the water then splitting in half would have been unforgettable I'd have thought. Ironically the later book and film on the subject was called "A Night To Remember".

  10. I do seem to remember reading that a good few years back, CJ. As for most of the survivors not noticing the ship breaking in two - I suspect that, when you're scrambling for your life, you're kinda focussed on achieving that aim, not on what's happening around you.


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