Wednesday 4 March 2015


Here's regular reader McS's
favourite Babe of the Day, JUDITH
RALSTON, who presents the weather
on TV.  If she only knew Mr. McS stands
under the lamppost outside her house each
night, staring up at her bedroom window,
the 'weather' would most likely be stormy.
I sure wish he'd break the habit, because I
have to stand under the lamppost further
up the street and the view isn't so
clear from that one.


  1. Such a wee sweetheart she has her own fansite (not started by her I hastd to add but by err fans yes "fans" thats the word to use).
    I saw her in the flesh (so to speak) in Veronis wine bar in Glasgow a few years ago and she looks even better in real life she has amazingly long hair dark hair cascading down her ebony shoulders .. err sorry where as those tummy wipes.. I have to admit I am a bit smitten by her,and finally err drooooooooooooooooooooooolll

  2. What do you think of Catriona Shearer, McScotty? I think she's a total babe! I'm going to feature her sometime soon.

  3. Remember the days when weather presenters would stick the symbols on by hand and then they'd fall off again. And then they introduced the new graphics and said weather forecasting would get a lot better but they were just as clueless :)

  4. It's pretty much guesswork, I suppose, based on data that can change at a moment's notice.

  5. Catriona Shearer is really lovley (and very good at the news)The Scottish Sun did a wee photo- shoot of her a few years ago and she was something else (its still avaialble on the web) Sometimes the BBC news team pop into Vronis on a Friday/Sat (Jackie Bird, Judith etc) you should pop in if in the vacinity they do good coffee if your not a drinker - Im usually drooling outside the window when Judiths in.

  6. The outlook is not good. I forecast a restraining order heading towards yourself and McScotty!



  7. Never heard of Veroni's, McScotty, or even know where it is. I suspect that my old schoolpal Jim Symon pops in from time to time, as he's in with that crowd, so I'll ask him next time I see him.


    They'll have to catch us first, Ken, and as McS has chosen the prime spot, I'm further up the street and closer to the bushes. He can decoy them away from me when they're chasing him - I'll simply hide in a hedge.

  8. I live in London, but thanks to sky plus I I'd usually check the Scottish weather just to see Judith.
    What a babe.
    Jones Johnson.

  9. You're obviously a man of discerning taste, JJ.


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