Tuesday 17 February 2015


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd.  The illustration on the
back cover is the same as on the front, with the logo slightly reduced

Believe it or not (though there's no reason why you shouldn't), the first DENNIS The MENACE book came out in 1955 (for '56) and the last one in 2010 (for '11) - and I've got them all!  That's not quite so impressive as it sounds though, as it only came out every two years up until 1977 (for '78), whereupon it took a holiday until 1982 when the '83 edition was issued.  After the ones for '85 and '87, it finally became an Annual, being published yearly right up until the the final edition - 39 books in all.  That means I only have six more to show you, which you'll see in the next and final instalment in this series.

Just think - a period of 55 years covered in a mere six posts.  It hardly seems possible, but it's true nonetheless.  Whoever it was that said time flies sure wasn't kidding, eh?

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