Sunday 15 February 2015


Here's the lovely LESLEY ANN WARREN stepping
into a fight between the Invisible Man and Susan Storm,
holding them apart until they both calm down.  Don't ask me
why she's kitted out like a butterfly - I have no idea.


  1. Kid, a few days ago I was watching (on YouTube) the 1979 pilot episode of 'Buck Rogers In The 25th Century' (it was released in cinemas too) featuring Gil Gerard, Erin Grey and Pamela Hensley - the latter two would certainly qualify for Babe Of The Day if you're stuck for candidates.

  2. Me stuck for candidates, CJ? Hardly! I always thought that Gil Gerard looked like Lee Majors. Anyone else think so?

  3. I would definitely consider Gil Gerard a "Lee Majors type."

    And a lot of people thought that Majors looked like Alan Ladd.


  4. Got to be honest, TC, and say that I don't see too much of a likeness between Majors and Ladd, but Majors and Gerard look like they could be brothers. (I'm not saying they are, mind you.)

  5. Majors and Gerard must have been stamped out with the same cookie cutter.

    Personally, I never saw much resemblance between Majors and Ladd, but, when "The Six Million Dollar Man" was running in the 1970's, there was a rumor that Majors was Ladd's son.

  6. And Lesley Ann Warren is cute, but that outfit looks like a peacock threw up on it.

  7. Looks like she stuck her head into a peacock's bum and pulled it on like a jumper.


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