Thursday 22 January 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

The American version of The INCREDIBLE HULK mag lasted for only 6 issues when it was released back in the '60s.  In the '80s, the British Pocket Book sized monthly mag managed to hold on for 13 before it came to an end, undoubtedly (like its State-side counterpart) due to disappointing sales.  It wasn't helped by some of the reproduction being awful, with line drop-out from weak source material and very poor printing.  Some of the re-sized pages obscured by Zipatone and first published in '70s weekly comic The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL were also used, which, in the reduced dimensions of the pocket books, looked pretty terrible.

However, it wasn't all bad, and some stories reproduced quite well, reminding me of a smaller version of U.K. weekly comics SMASH! and FANTASTIC, in which I'd first read most of these tales back in the '60s.  Anyway, 13 is supposed to be unlucky, but not for you, as you now have the pleasure of perusing this passel of pulsating piccies from the palpitating past!  Go to it, pilgrim!

I now no longer recall if I bought this and the following issue in my home town or, having missed
them, bought them in Southsea or Portsmouth at the beginning of 1981.  A friend who was with me
also bought them, and I may've purchased them again to have extra copies.  The cover from a spare
copy of #4 (below) adorned my bedroom wall for decades 'til being replaced with a fresh print of it

I bought this one in Portsmouth and recall reading it on the ferry over to the Isle of Wight in 1981


  1. I used to love these digests. Great v.f.m., but a shame they were chopped. Please feel free to post any more titles you have.

  2. I don't remember a Hulk pocket book at all - I definitely remember the first ones that came out in 1980 which were FF, Spider-Man, Star Heroes and Chiller, did you have any of those, Kid ? All the first issues of those gave an address where you could send letters but no letters pages ever appeared. I think FF Pocket Book No.1 featured a reprint of Reed and Sue's wedding but I'm not absolutely sure. But if I remember correctly all the FF pocket books featured stories from the Lee/Kirby/Sinnott days in the mid '60s.

  3. Will do, JP.


    FF #1 did indeed feature Reed & Sue's wedding, CJ. There was also a Titans PB. I've got examples of the others you mention, too.

    (Originally posted 22 January 2015 at 22.50.)


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