Friday 9 January 2015


Copyright relevant owner

For no other reason than to keep Sean Green happy, here are the final four tales from SUPER DC #s 13 & 14.  Of course, doubtless other Criv-ites will likewise be thrilled to now have the complete set of text stories from the British monthly which graced newsagents' spinner-racks way back in 1970.  (And perhaps nudged into '71.)

When I find my Bumper Book, I'll scan the text stories from that and put them up in a future post.  Then you can rest happy, secure in the knowledge that life is good and it was I who made it so.  (Hey, I'll take credit for anything that's going!  How else will I get my name up in lights?  Apart from changing it to 'Exit', that is.)   


  1. As well as Sean, you have made JP very happy too! And I look forward to the bumper book stories as well.
    Thanks, Kid!


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