Saturday 3 January 2015


As the 12 days of Christmas approach their end, let's have one last Seasonal song from JIM REEVES.  This one's a little faster-paced than usual and is just a wee bit mental, but it's fun all the same.  (There's no use hiding, McSCOTTY - we all know you're a closet Jim Reeves fan!)


  1. Kid, seeing the title of this post reminded me that there's a Mexican restaurant in Newquay in Cornwall called Senor Dick's... which my kids thought was the funniest thing ever. And it's just around the corner from Fat Willy's Surf Shack...

  2. Senior Dick's? Well-SPOTTED, Cer! (See what I did there?) Do people actually surf in Cornwall?

  3. Good heavens, Kid - a Christmas song on January 3rd, you're spoiling us. A few years ago I was listening to Radio 3 on January 6th and they unapologetically played 'In Dulci Jubilo' as it was still Christmas till midnight. I don't understand how it's okay to play 'Summer Nights' at any time of the year but Christmas songs must be confined to a few days - oh well, at least we've got YouTube now to confound these anti-Christmas fascists. I've never heard this song before and two weeks ago I discovered the song 'Feliz Navidad' which has become an instant classic, the Boney M version is my favourite but it's a terrific song in any version. May I wish you a merry Christmas for what remains of it !!

  4. And the exact same to you, CJ. I think I've now linked to all 12 of the songs in JR's 12 Songs of Christmas album, so I'll have to choose another singer for next year.

  5. Actually Kid to be honest I was brought up listening to Jim Reeves (Frank Ifield, Tom Jones, Perry Como etc) and I do appreciate him he had an amazing voice and sang some great songs ( "A strangers just a friend you do not know " being my favourite)

  6. From the movie 'Kimberley Jim', in case you didn't know, McScotty. I think it's only been on BBC TV twice since around 1979 for some strange reason - in Scotland anyway.


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