Tuesday 13 January 2015


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Okay, peeps, here's what you've been waiting for - even more captivating covers from the DENNIS The MENACE Books for you to salivate and sigh over, while you try to contain your envy that they're mine and not yours.  (Whaddya mean, you've all got a set?  And in much better condition?  Rats!  Can't a guy revel in the joy of his possessions without you spoiling it for him?  Ah, well!)

As you'll know, where the back cover is the exact same as the front, I haven't bothered showing it - no point, is there?  Anyway, as your own copies are doubtless stored in burglar-proof, air-tight safes, I'll let  you cop a gander at mine - just to remind you what they look like.

Be sure to return for Part Three - or GNASHER will come 'round to your house and bite you on the bum!

This was the first brand-new Dennis book I ever purchased.  I bought them all as they were
issued from that point on, acquiring older ones whenever the opportunity presented itself

The first 'full' colour book (except for flesh tones in interior strips).  No books issued for 1980 or '82

One glance at this cracking wintry scene conjures up images of the view from my bedroom
window (in another house) of a similar snow-covered winter wonderland in 1985 & '86


  1. I didn't know any better at the time - not having heard the name spoken aloud - but to this day I still sound out the 'G' in Gnasher - Gnnnasher. He was such a strange, ugly wee brute when he came along that the unusual pronunciation seemed to suit him. Even when we learned it was silent, my friends and I continued to say it with a wink and a nod.

  2. I probably did the same, GB. I think it sounds funnier to pronounce the 'G'. I also sometimes say 'orgy' with a hard 'g' for the same reason.

  3. You often have occasion to be talking about orgies, Kid?

  4. Well, if there's one on, I don't mind helping out if their short-handed. (He joked.)

  5. We actually have a CAT who resembles Gnasher! Although her temperament is more like Minnie the Minx!

  6. Looks like Gnasher? Time you gave its fur a brush, JP.


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