Saturday 31 January 2015


Images copyright relevant owner

In answer to a request (and if you have one consisting of two words, the second of which is 'off', well, don't be so bloody cheeky), here's an eight-page BARRY & BOING adventure from the KNOCKOUT Annual for 1973.  No point saying much more as there's a recap of the first tale in the page above.  I'm lucky enough to own every issue of the weekly comic, so when I can find them, who knows - perhaps I'll post some more.  Be sure to let me know if that's something you'd like to see, O faithful, canny, and cavortin' Criv-ites.

And here's the cover so that you know what to look for.


  1. I used to have a friend called Boing!

  2. Oh now, hold on a minute, it was BARRY!

  3. Oh now, hold on a minute, he was IMAGINARY.

  4. Tracked it down at last. Boing isn't quite as pathetic and miserable as I remember. I enjoyed that strip very much.

  5. See? This blog's good for something after all.

  6. Great stuff! Barry & Boing will be included in my Knockout article for Infinity in April. Don't miss it!

  7. And where will I find Infinity - and beyond?


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