Friday 23 January 2015


Sensational SARAH YOUNG
(who might be old by now) is involved
in the 'adult entertainment' industry, but
let's not hold that against her.  In this pic,
she looks as though butter wouldn't melt
in her mouth - but remember, girlie, any
naughty stuff 'round here and you're
out on your ear.  (So behave!)


  1. Yep, she was a big star over here in Germany when I was old enough to rent porn videos. That shows you what an old geezer ( and old pervert ) I am. Also, the first porn tapes I bought were with her.

    I remember she married Hans Moser ( probably known under his pseudonym Sasha Alexander overseas ) a porn producer who had been previously married to Theresa Orlowski and became the flagship for his empire.

    And I mean empire because that production company was huge in the 80 / 90s. And I also read somewhere that they produced most films in Spain because the german authorities were much too restrictive.

    Anyway, I could write a very long post about Sarah Louise Young but yes, she was in adult movies. With all the porn spoofs / parodies I always wondered why she never did a Wonder Woman one. I guess, comics were not that interesting back then. Today you know a tv show has finally arrived in the mainstream pop culture when you can find porn versions of Doctor Who. ;-)

  2. Who'd marry a porn 'star'? Imagine being compared every day to half a dozen other guys with whom your wife had been 'intimate'. Who needs the competition?


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