Thursday 29 January 2015


From WHAM! #143, cover-dated March 11th 1967.  Copyright REBELLION

What would you like first, the good news or the bad news?  Well, the good news is that here's The HUMBUGS strip I spoke of in a recent post, in which the terrible twins play at being The THING and The INVISIBLE GIRL.  The bad news is that I haven't yet brought down all my comic boxes (in which are stored my loose issues of WHAM!) from the attic, so I've had to scan the page from my bound volume which, as you can see, doesn't really lend itself to the process.  (I can't open it wide enough to lay flat on the screen, hence the shadow and blurred speech balloons on the right-hand side of the page.)

When I find the loose issue (which I think I've got) I'll scan the page properly and replace the current image with a better one.  In the meantime, however, this imperfect presentation should at least give you a fair idea of what's happening.  


  1. No worries, Kidda. But I will look forward to your box of loose Whims coming down, ( youmay even like to show us all the covers?)

  2. I've shown a handful before, and even the full #1 (which I think you saw), but doubtless there'll be more in time.


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