Saturday 13 December 2014


Continuing our series of JIM REEVES' Seasonal songs, here's the tall Texan with a rendition of BLUE CHRISTMAS that actually fits the mood of the song.  (ELVIS PRESLEY's version is too much of a 'toe-tapper' for my tastes, good as it is.)


  1. Kid, do you remember the Shakin' Stevens version from Christmas 1982, it reached #2. That was the first time I heard this song.

  2. Indeed I do - it was very similar to Elvis's version, I thought.

  3. The Shakey version was on the very first " Now that's what I call music - the Xmas album! ", which we bought on vinyl, back in '85. I remember putting it on, on Christmas morning and turning the volume up dead loud at the very point where Noddy Holder screeches, " IT'S CHRIIIIIIISTMAS!! "

  4. I bought the Slade Christmas CD a few years back, JP - just to have that famous track.


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