Monday 22 December 2014


Copyright relevant owner

Believe it or not, but you're looking at a genuine collectors' item classic - the very last Christmas edition of TV COMIC, a periodical which began in November 1951 and lasted 'til June 1984. If my simple arithmetic is correct, that means there were 33 Christmas issues over TV Comic's lengthy run, a feat not to be sneezed at.

Hopefully, the pages that follow are actually from the above issue;  I scanned them some time back along with some other Christmas strips and my folders are in a slight state of disarray at the moment, but I think I've got the right ones.  So, what are you waiting for?  Stick on the JIM REEVES Christmas CD and away you go!


  1. "Boom! Boom! Mr Derek!" (That fourth word will be enough to show where my allegiances lie.)
    I've never seen Basil with legs before and I have to say that it's an extremely disconcerting sight.

    I used to have a plastic Popeye record player back in the 60s - it had a white or light pink turntable. I don't know why I had it as I wasn't particularly keen on the character - I think I must just have been given it as a present at some time.

  2. The comic strip version of Basil also has longer arms. And betcha that record player's worth a small fortune these days, GB.

  3. I was going to mention Basil Brush's feet as well - whatever happened to him anyway ? He just completely disappeared after being a staple of Saturday evening TV - wasn't there a Mr. Roy, there were probably a few of them I suppose.

  4. Basil enjoyed a TV revival a few years back, CJ, and is currently in panto, I think. Honest.

  5. That Basil Brush story's my new favourite comic page - we forgot about the ghosts!

  6. Mental, is what it is, THB. (Great stuff!)

  7. Did you have any inkling that it was going to just stop without a word when it did?

  8. No, because I wasn't buying it regularly when it stopped, JP. The first I knew was when Bob Paynter (youth group editor of IPC's humour division) pointed out the last issue sitting on a rack in his office on the 20th floor of King's Reach Tower one day. When I expressed my dismay at missing the last issue, he let me take his copy.

  9. I recall reading these pages before, perhaps on another blog.

  10. It was probably on this one, Chris. This is a re-post under my 'Kid's Classics' (he said with a straight face) banner. It sounds better than 'Can't think of anything to write, so here's one I made earlier.'


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