Friday 26 December 2014


Well, Christmas isn't quite over yet, so here's JIM
REEVES with a traditional Yuletide carol to help soothe
you to sleep as you slide into your beds.  Sometimes known
as ADESTE FIDELES, Jim sings it in English so that
you don't need to look up your Latin dictionaries.


  1. Kid, Christmas isn't "quite over" till Epiphany on January 6th so you can keep playing the festive songs for a while yet. One thing that bugs me about the modern Christmas is the way it's all concentrated on Christmas Day and presents and once that's over Christmas is over. Did you know it used to be the tradition to give presents on New Year's Day not Christmas Day, that would extend the season if it was done now and Epiphany or "Twelfth Night" was a big celebration to finish the Christmas season with a bang but now it just fizzles out with a whimper. It's strange to me how the Queen's Xmas day message is called traditional even though it's just a few decades old but Twelfth Night is completely ignored when it's a genuinely ancient tradition that goes back centuries.

  2. Hi, CJ - hope Santa was good to you. Thing is, 'though, Christmas traditions evolve, don't they? (Wasn't the Christmas card a Victorian invention?) The modern Christmas has elements of previous ones, but we tend to pick what suits us these days. All I know about January 6th is that the Christmas decorations are supposed to be down by that day. (I've been known to have them up weeks past that date.)

  3. I never have a tree but I do hang up a string of lights (indoors) which I keep up till my birthday in February - it seems to me that the bleak days of January is when you really need a bit of festive cheer. I keep meaning to ask if you've heard of a song called 'Feliz Navidad' - I heard it for the first time only a week ago and I loved it. A bit of googling reveals it's hugely popular in America but I've never heard it on UK radio or seen it in any Xmas compilations. Of course now that we have YouTube I can listen to it whenever I want.

  4. I'm in total agreement with Col about the mad rush to get it all finished after months of unwanted " Christmas " before Christmas Eve! I hate the fact that they've stopped playing festive tunes today. BUT ever since we got married in '76, we Pitts have ALWAYS kept our Christmases going until Jan 6th! I suspect we're in a minority.

  5. The name sounded familiar, CJ, but when I looked it up for a listen, it didn't ring any bells (Christmas ones or otherwise).


    I'm in that minority too, JP. I usually start playing my JR Christmas album in November right on into January. Was a bit late this year 'though because I was so busy.

  6. John mentioned something I meant to say - the way christmas songs disappear from the radio and it's only December 27th !! - it's just ridiculous. As for Feliz Navidad, perhaps the Spanish lyrics prevented it being popular here though there are English lyrics too and 'Gaudete' was a hit even though it's in Latin. Can I just wish you and John a CONTINUING Merry Christmas !!!

  7. You may indeed, CJ - and likewise.


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