Thursday 4 December 2014


Gentlemen, I give you - the lovely
JAMELIA!  (Drool cups at the ready.)
I'm hers anytime she wants me.


  1. Very nice indeed :-)

    Interestingly, the "You might also like..." box on your blog came up with a pic of David Cameron to accompany this post. Can't quite see the connection ;-)

  2. Oh she is such a lovely woman I see her a lot on TV programmes (no idea what's she famous for though - a singer?) and she seems really funny (albeit a bit scatty) cute as a wee button though.

  3. Cer, don't politicians fall under the category of 'tits'? (And there's another word beginning with 'f' that also applies.) Maybe that's the connection.


    I don't know what she's famous for either, McScotty. (Saw her on Room 101.) A wee stoater, sure enough.

  4. I feel somewhat more qualified to respond to this blog as opposed to your last, and that is to say....Gabba gabba,hey! Drool.....

  5. Just like you to sum things up in a concise, well-considered and intelligent manner, Moony.


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