Sunday 7 December 2014


I wrote out my Christmas cards last night for all my friends.  I'd bought a box of 40, so I still have 38 left if anybody's looking to buy some.  (Oh, what a wag I am.)  On the subject of cards, here's the legendary JIM REEVES being sentimental over one card in particular.  If you can relate to what he's singing about, let's hear your story.


  1. I've just bought some cards from Tesco and it was quite difficult to choose as either I didn't like the design or the cards had glitter on them and I don't buy those - surely glitter on the cards makes them difficult to re-cycle ? I've also just received a card from Great Ormond Street thanking me for my donations which was nice. I send out several cards to people who I haven't seen in years and I know I won't get a card back but I send one anyway which is either an example of my Xmas goodwill or just shows how stupid I am :) Nice song by the way - hopefully there'll be more, Kid.

  2. For years, Col, I used to send cards to loads of people, whether they sent one to me or not. (Usually not.) I stopped being so indiscriminate a few years ago after running into some of them after Christmas and asking "Did you get my card?" The blank looks and responses of "Er, I dunno - I suppose!" made me realise I was wasting my time, effort and money. Bah, humbug! Yup, there'll be more JR.

  3. Sometimes we get cards from people we don't know from various house numbers on the estate. But even though we haven't a clue who they were, we HAVE to send one back.
    I would send one to you guys (and some others if I could! ) Hope you'll settle for sincere best wishes, guys?

  4. And I'm sure we all wish you (and each other) the same in return, JP.

  5. John, I've heard e-cards are becoming more and more popular so wishing each other merry christmas on a blog is more or less the same thing. I've also received cards from people I didn't know but they weren't meant for me anyway and were just delivered to my address intended for somebody else who perhaps lived here before me. A few years ago I got a card from somebody saying "I haven't seen you in ages - call me " but there was no return address or phone number so whoever sent it must have thought his friend had ignored his request although if they were all that friendly why did they lose touch in the first place.

  6. Probably moved to different areas (or countries), Col. Time seems to go by so fast that before you know it, years have elapsed since you last saw or spoke with someone - and it only seems like weeks or months. You know what John Lennon is reputed to have said: "Life is what happens while you're making other plans."


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