Sunday 2 November 2014


Look what I just won on eBay - a CHERILEA ROBIN figure to complement the BATMAN one I acquired several weeks back.  Aren't I lucky?!  I'll show them both together at some point.


  1. Lucky to own that ugly thing ? - if you say so, Kid. Why's he wearing sunglasses - or are those two black eyes ?

  2. Lucky you (and hope all's well) - is that the eBay picture or your picture? Because I think I know the seller (uncanny! and so on).

    He always takes pictures of his toys in his kitchen, which looks like that, is what I'm saying.

  3. Yup, lucky, CJ. I had 'that ugly thing' as a kid and now I have it again. He's wearing a mask - 'cos he's ugly.


    Yup, that's the eBay pic, THB - but the seller is female, I believe. When I receive it, I'll post a photo of B & R together.

  4. Aw, why is everyone picking on poor wee Robin? The knees on the Batman figure are pretty much the same.

  5. I love it..!! Would love to hunt one down.

  6. Seek and ye shall find, DB. Just seeing these figures makes me feel as if I'm back in the '60s.


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