Thursday 6 November 2014


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I'm unable to scan anything at the moment, but fortunately I have quite a bit of stuff in my computer's comics files and folders to dip into for material.  Therefore, what better way to utilise it than to present you with the next instalment of our TV CENTURY 21 cover gallery?  This time around, we have numbers 71 to 80, and I intend to reproduce the covers of at least the first 104 issues - the first two years' worth - when the comic was at its height.

Any memories of these particular issues?  Why not share them with your fellow Criv-ites in the comments section?  Go on, we're all waiting - and you'll feel much better for it.  (Honest!) 


  1. This is what I've been missing! My memories for these issues is having tons of homework to do when these came out. But on Wednesdays, homework had to wait, as I had much more important reading material to attend to first! ( ALWAYS starting at the back page!! )

  2. Are you of the same opinion as me then, JP, that the comic wasn't quite the same when The Daleks ended with issue #104? I really missed them.

  3. I used to keep on turning to the back page every week , hoping in vain that this week they would return. I became so disappointed that I switched alliegance to TV Tornado when it came out.

  4. That's interesting, because I'd have thought that TV21, despite The Daleks' absence, was still a better-produced comic than TV Tornado. Did you switch back again when they merged?

  5. Well I continued with TV Tornado for a while, but simultaneously I had been getting Smash every week. Then came Pow and Fantastic, which were "musts". I also started buying Wham again when it got the Power Comics logo. But when Terrific came along - something had to go and that was TV Tornado. I never did get any of the merged TV 21/TV Tornados. It was the DC heroes that attracted me to TV Tornado in the first place, even though they were text stories, but there was an abundance of other comic heroes in strip form to read.I never could understand just how Magnus, Robot - Fighter could karate chop through all those robots' metal necks with just his bare hands though!

  6. Next time I see a robot, JP, I'll give it a karate chop and see if it works. Perhaps it's a weak point to strong chaps like myself.

  7. Here's a really boring piece of fanboy trivia/info (swiped from Bronze ago of blogs as I m not even that interesting to know this myself) regarding the super karate chop move that Magnus gave to robots - this was the idea of Russ Manning's wife, after his initial idea that Magnus would carry around an unfeasibly large stone hammer to kill robots (he was also half naked a la Tarzan except with boots. I'll get me coat!

    PS: Good to see you back to blogging ona more regular basis

    1. Always a mine of info.McScotty! Yeah karate chops break wood, even house bricks, but flesh & bone will never go through iron & steel!

  8. I think at the time, McScotty, most people assumed that a karate chop had incredible power because of demonstrations by experts swiping through planks of wood and bricks, etc., so no doubt that's the view Mrs Manning took.

    The blogging will probably decline again from Monday, 'cos that's when the work starts.


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