Thursday 6 November 2014


Babe Of The Day Extra - FARRAH FAWCETT

Just to keep all you cavortin' Criv-ites up to date, the reason regular blogging has been sparse for a while is because my house requires some emergency work which entails the carpets and floorboards having to be lifted in every room.  This meant that I had to pack all my comics and collectables away in boxes (close to a couple of hundred by now - boxes, that is) and store them in the attic, which I've just completed after several weeks.  The work commences this coming Monday, but as my scanner, comics and books are all packed away, I'm kind of limited in what I can actually post until I can get them all unpacked again.  That could take a while, because my rooms will first need some decorating and carpet laying when the work is completed before I can finally restore everything to its accustomed place.

In the meantime, posts will be occasional and probably lightweight until everything is as it was on the home front - but I'll do my best to come up with something.


  1. A frustrating situation, certainly, but better than the illness or death-situation I was fearing. Good luck with the work of it all.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, THB. I'd try not to let Death stop me blogging 'though - but it would probably be to a different audience.

  3. Funny enough Kid, I'm having a little bit of work done on my house too but it's all on the exterior wall so doesn't affect me inside. I can see now why you were so busy - as THB says at least you're not at death's door but I don't know why you've been so enigmatic about it all up till now. Good luck with the work when it begins anyway !!

  4. Went through similar circumstances a few years ago, so I feel your pain. Currently missing my computer, so blogging has been tough lately. Hope you get everything back to normal soon.

  5. CJ, I must confess to sometimes being somewhat bemused by people's perceptions, and this is one such instance. Enigmatic? I certainly wasn't trying to be 'enigmatic' - it just never occurred to me before now that anyone would be much interested in the precise details behind my lack of blogging, and I was frankly too busy with other things to take time to explain the situation. I only do so now for two reasons - one being that things have taken longer than expected, and the other being that I'm somewhat limited in what I can blog about at the moment, hence this 'filler' post. But thanks for the kind thoughts.

    Now, go and look at the last comment in the 'Getya Kitton' post - it may be of interest to you.


    Thanks very much, Graham - your kind sentiments are much appreciated. There's not been much 'meat' to the few recent posts I've been able to manage, but that won't last forever.

  6. Kid, that letter in SSM definitely wasn't me - I never wrote any letters to Marvel and I've never lived in Surrey. But I did have a very short query printed in last month's SFX magazine in the Ask The SFXperts section - it was quite a surprise as I'd sent the e-mail around May of LAST YEAR and I'd completely forgotten about it !!

  7. Thanks for the update, Kid (and for such a droolworthy pic of Farrah, not to mention Sam Fox yesterday...)

    Does the work next week involve yourself, or will you just be stuck twiddling your thumbs with no access to electronic devices? If the latter, why not put your artistic talents to good use? If you need inspiration, I've got a 5-page script I wrote for an online contest a few months ago, which is now looking for a good home (that's right - it didn't win).

  8. I kind of figured the emergency was something to do with work on the house ( rewire? ), having had to deal with a similar situation a few years ago when we had to have a new heating system installed ( OH HELL! WHERE AM I GOING TO PUT ALL MY STUFF??!! ). it was very disrupting and stressful. Any work on the house I can possibly do myself, I do, ,but this I couldn't, so I can appreciate what you are going through. I hope they don't cause you too much stress, but they WILL leave behind one hell of a mess! LUCKILY you've got all your treasures tucked away out of their clumsy way. I tell you what, they take their time before they even START the job and all!
    Sorry to be the voice of doom & gloom, but best you know what to expect. It'll be worth it when it's all over and all that!

  9. I thought the name was probably meant to be either 'Colin Jones' or 'Colin James', CJ - just shows what I know. I'm going to ask for a refund on that Sherlock Holmes correspondence course I got a while back.


    Andrew, I'll be around to keep an eye on things, but it's a team of workies who'll be doing the job. Unfortunately, I'd be unable to do any drawing as all my furniture is stacked up against whatever room its in.


    My problem is the same as yours, JP, so I'm in no doubt about what to expect. Workmen always want to get in and out again as quickly as possible, and have little regard for people's personal property, alas. It's made me realise I've simply got too much stuff, so I'll have to do a clear out at some point in time. I'd hate to have to go through all this again in the future.

  10. I have to move a couch, a table and several boxes just so the gas man can read the meter, so if anything "major" ever has to be done to my place... It'd be easier for me to just move house!

  11. The last time I moved house, THB, I didn't have anywhere near as much stuff as I do now (accumulated over the last 27 years), so I had to do far more packing away than I did way back then. I'm knackered.

  12. John's mention of installing a new heating system reminds me of exactly 5 years ago when I was due to get a new boiler, radiators, water tank etc - just a week or so before the work was due to start my mother died very suddenly so everything had to be put on hold while I dealt with her funeral etc - the work was done in the end but it was a hectic few weeks with my mother's death then my house turned upside down.

    1. Must have been terrible having to deal with both at the same time, Col. I feel for you, mate.

  13. Not a nice situation to be in at all, CJ. I'm sure we all sympathize.

  14. Thanks, John - by the way Kid, I meant to say I'm staggered at the thought of 200 boxes full of comics and collectibles - I knew you had a lot of stuff but WOW - I'm amazed you have room to turn round in your house.It sounds more like a museum of popular culture than a house :)

  15. And that's not counting the comic boxes that were already in the loft, or other receptacles of various stuff. My loft is actually big enough to convert into two large rooms, but I filled it with so much stuff that I had to leave one cupboard downstairs unemptied. Luckily, the workies won't require access to it - and I've temporarily sealed it off to stop anyone nosing around in it.


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