Wednesday 1 October 2014


Had a hard day at work?  Sore head, sore feet, sore back?  Don't worry - all your aches and pains are about to melt away as you relax and unwind to the smooth velvety voice of Gentleman JIM REEVES.  Surely his CDs should be available on the NHS?  Makes sense to me.


  1. A familiar song, indeed, but in our house we had the Andy Williams single - maybe not as smooth as the Jim Reeves version but pleasant nonetheless. As a wee boy, however, it was the B-side of the Williams single that appealed to me - House Of Bamboo.

  2. Apparently, GB, Andy was Jim's favourite male vocalist. I've heard AW's version of the song and I'd say it's just as smooth as JR's - Jim's got a deeper voice 'though.

  3. I started listening and a little advert popped up for "Elderly walk-in showers" by which I assume they don't mean walk-in showers that have been around a long time. I like short songs - this one says everything it needs to say and no more so why drag a song out for six or seven minutes. As for putting Jim Reeves on the NHS - if the conniving neoliberals get their way even health care won't be on the NHS.

  4. Well, some songs are so good that they need six or seven minutes, I guess - not all of them 'though. As for the NHS, that's what happens when you have a bunch of Etonians from 'old money' running the country - 'cos they can afford private health care they don't see why anyone should get anything for (as they see it) 'nothing'.

  5. Who doesn't enjoy listening to Richard Harris sing (?) the full 7'20" version of MacArthur Park? - A treat to be sure. They say that The Beatles extended the running time of Hey Jude beyond that of MP in order to ensure it was the longest charting record.

  6. Who doesn't, GB? CJ for one, it would seem. I'm not sure if I've heard the song to be honest.

  7. It was a product of its times, Kid, so if you like the sixties you owe it to yourself to give it a listen. I like it, but then I also enjoy listening to people like Lee Marvin sing Wanderin' Star or Telly Savalas sing If.

  8. Chances are I'd remember it if I heard it - the title sounds familiar. Must confess I'm partial to Wanderin' Star - don't mind If either.


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